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Free IT Certifications and Courses to Elevate Your Career

This three-hour course teaches reps how to increase their self-awareness and how to ask questions that will return meaningful responses. That way, they’ll find the information they’re looking for, while still generating a delightful customer experience. Learning about these skills is great for employees who may lack professional experience, and courses are offered both online […]

Cash Flow Statement: What It Is and Examples

The purchasing of new equipment shows that the company has the cash to invest in itself. Finally, the amount of cash available to the company should ease investors’ minds regarding the notes payable, as cash is plentiful to cover that future loan expense. There are several types of Cash Flow, so it’s important to have […]

Maintaining Abstinence vs Achieving Alcohol Sobriety

Those in moderation management recovery from alcoholism are individuals who have encountered difficulties with alcohol but have learned how to begin again, in addition to recovering their constitutional right to abstain from alcohol – as outlined in The Big Book. In the United Kingdom, the NICE guidelines investigated the scientific basis for treatment recommendations in […]

Physical Signs of an Alcoholic

The medicine works by reducing the size of very small blood vessels. Treatment for rhinophyma can vary depending on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, topical treatments may be sufficient to improve the alcoholic nose appearance of the nose. However, more severe cases may require surgery to remove excess tissue. Rhinophyma is typically […]

Где научиться партнёрскому маркетингу

Пару лет назад многие маркетологи дискредитировали инфлюенсер маркетинг как пузырь, который должен был лопнуть. Вы можете нанять разработчиков и копирайтеров, или просто использовать фрилансеров и перекладывать на них часть труда. Будь то запросы на возврат, вопросы до совершения покупки или просто недовольные клиенты, эти телефонные звонки, чаты и электронные письма занимают много времени. Полезный контент […]

WIP & Percentage-of-Completion Schedules 101

This is helpful when the taxpayer has large receivable balances and small payables. Using CCM accounting can help avoid having to estimate the cost of a project, which can prevent inaccurate forecasts. Also, since revenue recognition is postponed, tax liabilities might be postponed as well. From the client’s perspective, the CCM allows for delayed cash […]

Revenue & capital expenditures: definitions, types & examples

We will learn about the types, importance, characteristics, and issues involved in capital investments. The difference between revenue expenditures and capital expenditures is another example of two similar terms that are easily mixed up. Understanding how each should be tracked can mean big savings over time and should be a firm part of your accounting […]

Synergies Definition, Types + Examples in Business

Synergies may not necessarily have a monetary value but could reduce the costs of sales and increase profit margin or future growth. In order for synergy to have an effect on the value, it must produce higher cash flows from existing assets, higher expected growth rates, longer growth periods, or lower cost of capital. To […]